Discover all our services
What we can do for you
- General accounting (SNC – Corporate).
- Execution of public accounting (SNC – AP – Public Administration).
- Reporting to official bodies, namely the DGO (SIGO) and the Court of Auditors.
- Analytical accounting.
Supervising and monitoring the accounting carried out by the client’s departments. - Preparation of financial statements.
- Reconciliation/Analysis of Accounts.
- Regular tax consultancy and monitoring – VAT, IRC, IRS, IS, IUC, SS, Modelo 22 and IES.
- Support for operational and financial management.
Administrative Management of Human Resources
- Creating and maintaining the staff register.
- Monthly salary processing.
- Issuing pay slips.
Issuing statistical, accounting and management reports. - Declaration of employee income (IRS).
- Drawing up work schedules.
- Drawing up the annual vacation map.
- Completing surveys.
- Completion and submission of the Single Report.
- Complying with legal obligations with regard to social security.
- Tax Administration, namely completing and submitting the respective tax returns.
- Tax consultancy.
- Tax diagnosis, planning and prevention.
- Review of tax returns.
- Support and monitoring of inspections by the tax authorities.
- Tax clearance and estimation of the closing of accounts.
- Litigation support – tax claims and appeals.
- Structuring the salary table.
- Estimating taxes on profits (IRC).
- Calculation of deferred taxes.
- Non-resident payment regime (DTI).
- Value added tax procedures.
Administrative Outsourcing
- Supporting and monitoring administrative, accounting and financial tasks.
- Issuing and controlling invoices.
- Recording and controlling current accounts for customers, suppliers and other debtors and creditors.
- Recording and controlling purchases.
Stock registration and control. - Registering and controlling fixed assets.
- Cash management.
- Adapting information systems to the company’s needs and resources.
Funded Projects
- Support for government and funded projects.
- Supervising and monitoring projects.
- Preparing applications.
- Completing surveys and reports.
- Sending the necessary documentation.
Get to know our working methods
Presentation of a proposal for the services requested, based on the company’s needs and size.
A service contract is signed, defining the rights and obligations of both parties, and a procedures manual is provided.
Obtaining and/or delivering supporting accounting documents.
Reunião, com periodicidade a definir em função das necessidades, dos objetivos e da dimensão da empresa.
Disponibilização, para além dos tradicionais balancetes, de mapas de análise económico-financeira, comparando a empresa com as empresas do respetivo sector de atividade. De realçar a apresentação de gráficos representativos da Análise do Ponto Crítico, ou Break Even Point (BEP).
Identificação dos pontos fortes e pontos fracos da empresa.
Meeting at the end of the year, when the annual accounts are closed, to analyze and compare them with the two previous years and with the respective sector of activity.
Fulfillment of all declaratory obligations, of a fiscal or other nature, taking into account the respective periodicity established by law.
Each client’s exclusive information (balance sheets, financial statements, economic and financial analysis maps, tax returns, etc.) is available online for consultation or download under “Restricted client access”.
Financial and Analytical Accounting.